Friday, October 28, 2016

Misbeehavin - Strawberry

Misbeehavin Mead's Strawberry mead was released in the June 2016 in 750mL bottles for $28.

The color is a beautiful burnt ruby hue.  Nose has a wonderful strawberry jam aroma, no honey sweetness on the nose, just fruit.  There's also a slight hint of soapiness hidden in the nose as well.  The taste has a very pleasant balance of sweetness, it's not cloyingly sweet. In the middle there's a bit of muddle, but a smooth finish and very little direct distinction of honey from fruit sweetness.  This melomel is definitely a little drier and lighter than other big fruity melomel, like Superstition's Straw Berry White.

Overall this is a very nice mead.  I imagine this as a beautiful summer weather sipper, or as a mixer, like with lemonade.  Enjoyable, Smooth,

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

RELEASE: Misbeehavin - Big Black

This Halloween weekend will be the release of Big Black.  Big Black is a blackberry, black currant, and black raspberries all aged on French Oak.  This mead will be $18 for a 375mL bottle starting this weekend.

I've not tasted this mead yet but I'm very excited as this will be the first melomel with any of these berries that Misbeehavin has released commercially. My hopes are high for this one!

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Friday, October 21, 2016

Garagiste Meadery - Yucatan Sunrise

Garagiste describes Yucatan Sunrise as the following:

Yucatan Sunrise is our concept mead made with Dragonfruit, Guanabana and Yerba Mate Tea Leaves. The interplay between the tea and fruit is very nice. For those who've had Guayaki fruit teas it will taste pretty familiar.

This is a mead made with Dragaonfruit, also known as pitaya.  It's that pinkish fruit with a typically a white center.  While the fruit looks and sounds interesting it doesn't really have much taste.  The best way I can describe it is a white kiwi in terms of flavor and consistency.  They're usually not very sweet like a kiwi, actually they tend to be bland or sublte, so I thought this was an interesting choice.  I think it's not so much the flavor of Dragonfruit that grabs people's attention but rather the idea of the exotic looking fruit.

Guanabana Fruit

Another component is guanabana, also known as soursop, which is a green prickly looking fruit that has a sour citrus flavor that's kind of like a combination of pineapple and strawberry.  It also have a bit of creaminess like a coconut.

The final ingredient is Yerba Mate tea, which is a bitter, tannic tea typically drank in South America.
Yerba Mate tree

The nose and taste of this mead is unique, and much like it's individual components, is an acquired taste.  Conceptually this is a very innovative and beautifully thought out mead.  Taking unique, exotic flavors more commonly used south of the boarder and combining them into a really tasty beverage.
I'll be honest, I loved this mead, but most of the others I tasted it with did not.  It is a polorizing drink, but like his Bangkok Garagiste pushes the envelopes and makes you consider these unique flavor combinations that might not have even been integrated into a mead before.  I really respect and applaud him for that.

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Friday, October 14, 2016

RELEASE: Schramms Red Agnes b2

Red Agnes Batch Two will be released this Saturday, October 15th, at 1:00pm! 
$32 per bottle. 
Bottle limit 6 per person per day 
+Lifetime 4 bottles
+Mazers 2 bottles

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Superstition - Endovelicus

Superstition Meadery's Endovelicus is a rich melomel with red raspberries and clocks in a 13% ABV.  The color on this mead is a rich, nearly opaque merlot color.  The aroma is of tart, sweet raspberries.  The mouthfeel is a rich and coats your mouth with a sweet stickiness that quickly morphs into a tannic, slightly tart puckering.  Finally the taste follows the nose and mouthfeel; it's all rich rich tart red raspberries with a lovely balance of tart, tannic, and sweet.  The finish was really clean and lovely.  This is an exceptional example of a raspberry melomel that finds a very nice balance between the sweet and the tart.

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Sunday, October 9, 2016

MYOM - Recipe Formulation

If you've ever created your own recipe in the kitchen, or maybe as a homebrewer then creating a mead recipe is in the same vein.

You start with where you want to finish.  What I mean is, all recipes begin with what you want your finished product to taste like.  What flavor profiles are you trying to capture, are you trying to evoke a certain food, like a fruit pie? A cocktail like a margarita? Highlight a certain fruit or spice?  You need to try to visualize what you want your finished mead to taste like, look like, and smell like.

Once you have an idea of your end goal, then you start to work backwards and figure out how you're going to achieve that flavor profile.  This is my favorite part of meadmaking because it's really where creativity can shine.  Let's say you want to make a blueberry pie mead.  Excellent!  What flavors evoke that pie? What components make up that pie?  You have blueberries, let's add blueberries to the mead, check! You have sugar and sweetness; you can get that from the honey, check! You have the crust; hmmm, you can approach this any number of ways, you could add graham crackers to your mead, you can add things like flaked oats or grains, maybe add an ingredient that will give it a little nutty flavor, like almonds, maybe a little vanilla.  The possibilities are nearly endless and that's the point.  Because it's your creation be creative and do what you think needs to be done to achieve your desired flavors.

Think like a chef.  You always have to be mindful of how certain flavor profiles play with each other, and how  flavor combinations are combined in a finished product.  Or how you can use flavor combinations to achieve your desired flavor.  Like the crust. You can't really age your mead on a pie crust (well, you could, but you probably don't want to).  But if you dissect the flavors of a crust you can identify some key ingredients that will have you achieve the desired "crust" flavor.

Another great example that mead makers and beer brews often do is evoke the flavors of a certain cocktail to mimic that cocktail.  The margarita is a great example.  You're not going to blend your mead with a margarita, but if you look at the flavor components of the drink you can mimic it.  What's in a marg?  citrus, lemon, lime, orange, tequila, salt, coconut, all these things you can pick out in that margarita.  So choose a few as ingredients in your mead.  For example I made a coconut lime mead with salt that does very much resemble a classic margarita.

Be adventurous! Be creative!

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Friday, October 7, 2016

Misbeehavin' - The Great Gats-bee

The Great Gats-bee by Misbeehavin' Meads out of Valparaiso Indiana is a Lemon and Lavender mead released at their taproom in early Summer 2016.  It came only in 750 mL bottles.

The nose on this mead has a lovely sweet floral sent.  You pick up the lavender aroma but the honey adds an additional layer of sweetness.  A slight lemon twinge but it's subtle in the background.  The taste is interesting, there's a nice balance of sweetness from the honey with citrus from the lemon and floral.  I did get some soapiness from the lavender and the lemon taste veers close to the Lemon Pledge spectrum, but it's not off-putting.  Lemon and lavender are difficult ingredients to use and definitely give off those flavors described.  Especially if you use fresh Lavender, you tend to get that soapy flavor.  The one thing I would change about this mead is using dried lavender, or even lavender root, to reduce that soapiness.

Overall this is a very nice mead.  Unique in its own right, and makes for a nice, lighter sipping mead.  Because this is a big 750mL bottle I actually drank the bottle over the course of a week, just taking a pour, recorking, and putting it back in my fridge for a few days.  I found that helped to soften the edges of the mead a bit and really integrate the flavors better.

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Thursday, October 6, 2016

MYOM - Make Your Own Mead

The intent of this blog is to centralize mead information to a one-stop-shop.  That means in addition to commercial mead information, like releases and reviews, there will also be information on making your own mead, including tips, tricks, recipes, etc that I've learned since I started making my own meads in 2014.  I've studied from the masters like Ken Schramm and a few other friends I know in the mead community who've gone on to open their own meaderies.  So I hope I can pay it forward with knowledge I've learned along the way.

Therefore I'm starting a series of posts on this blog titled MYOM - Make Your Own Mead.  These posts will focus on home mead making, All the way from the recipe formulation process through bottling/labeling/branding your meads, and everything in between.

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Monday, October 3, 2016

RELEASE: Berry White Day - Superstition

It's still weeks away, but the Berry White Release and party will be on November 5th, 2016.  Pre-orders for members has already gone out and public sales will soon be available.  As details become available we'll continue to announce.

Blending Blackberry White barrels in prep for bottling

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