Friday, December 2, 2016

Superstition - Safeword

Safeword by Superstition Meadery in Prescot Arizona is a mead made with Belgian dark candi sugar, that that used in beer such as stronger Belgian beers like dubbels and tripels.  This mead was also aged in bourbon barrels.  This mead is available in 750mL bottles and retailed for $36, when it's available.  

The Commercial description from Superstition is as follows:
This craft beverage is seductive and full of surprises. Safeword pushes the limits of liquid gratification as Honey and Belgian Dark Candi Syrup are tied together and then disciplined in a Bourbon Barrel until they are released for your pleasure. Enjoy the adventure waiting for you within this bottle and remember, don't forget the Safeword.

This mead is rich, it's rich in color, aroma, and taste.  The color is a dark dark brown, very similar to a barrel aged barelywine, bordering on stout level opaqueness.  The aroma is beets, candied dates, figs, and coffee.  The taste follows pretty closely with the aroma, lots of dark, rich fruits; figs and dates.  There's also a candied sweetness that might be the honey just elevated by the candied sugar.  There's also notes of leather, a bit of smoke and char, and some earthy, woodsy qualities to the taste a well.  This is a big mead.  Something that would be sipped nicely next to a fire, maybe with a cigar, on a cold winter night.  It reminded me a little bit of the Swedish mulled wine, glugg.  Something enjoyed around the winter holidays with friends and family.  

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